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Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China | Digital and High Quality Development of Manufacturing Industry | Industrial Management Software Leaping into a New Era

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 20:41:28
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Over the past decade, China's manufacturing value added has increased by 85%, accounting for nearly 30% of the global market share from 20%, further consolidating its position as the world's largest manufacturing country; The overall comprehensive strength, innovation, and digitalization level of the manufacturing industry have been comprehensively improved, and the scale of the industrial internet industry has exceeded the trillion yuan mark, moving from a "manufacturing powerhouse" to a "manufacturing powerhouse".

Behind the extraordinary achievements, it is inseparable from the powerful push of digital technology, and technological innovation has achieved the intelligent transformation of China's traditional manufacturing industry. On the path of empowering the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, SIE Information, a leading digital enterprise in the field of intelligent manufacturing in China, officially launched the "first year of independent research and development" of industrial management software as early as 2012. Over the past decade, SIE Information has deeply participated in the journey of digital transformation in China's manufacturing industry and witnessed the leapfrog progress of industrial management software, working together with over 1000 well-known manufacturing enterprises to help them overcome the challenges of digital transformation, Continuously improving the competitiveness of Chinese manufacturing enterprises.


Transition from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing
Industrial management software has become the "mainstream"

In a "high-end large and medium-sized energy-saving motor intelligent manufacturing workshop" in Henan Province, a system implemented by SIE Information is operating efficiently. The system integrates six modules: MES, APS, QMS, DNC, WMS, and equipment management, establishing an integrated information framework centered on MES, forming an end-to-end data flow system, effectively reducing delivery costs and improving logistics turnover rate.

It is reported that this project is the first batch of intelligent manufacturing projects among 15 enterprises in Henan Province that have passed national acceptance in advance, and it is also the only intelligent manufacturing comprehensive standardization and new mode application by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China in Nanyang City.

As is well known, the more systems there are, the more difficult it is for the system to connect and synchronize data, and the faster the information department responds to the demands of the business department, the more difficult it becomes. Enterprises may seem to have big data, but data assets cannot be transformed into data value. The management tools that originally helped improve efficiency have in turn become constraints on enterprise development.

In order to solve the problem of internal "data chimneys" and "information silos" within enterprises, more and more manufacturing enterprises have realized that digital transformation is a "compulsory course" for enterprises. SIE Information has long had the ability to provide integrated digital solutions for enterprises.

SIE Information has a deep understanding and rich experience in the digital transformation of the entire value chain in manufacturing, supply chain, industrial engineering, and other aspects of the manufacturing industry. This stems from its 17 years of deep participation in the digital transformation and business transformation of over 20 industries and thousands of enterprises. Relying on leading digital products, promoting the transformation from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, industrial software has become the technological core and the "brain" of industrial enterprise operations.

From a classification perspective, industrial software is mainly divided into three categories: industrial design, industrial management, and industrial control. Ten years ago, the industrial software market was still dominated by multinational giants. SIE Information has firmly embarked on the pace of domestic independent research and development of industrial management software, and officially launched the "First Year of Independent Research and Development of Industrial Management Software" in 2012.

At present, the development of domestic industrial management software applications is relatively mature. For SIE Information, industrial management software integrates big data, artificial intelligence, and industrial scenarioses, and has developed from past management informatization to an important lever in intelligent manufacturing, promoting the transformation of the domestic manufacturing industry. At present, Saiyi Information has also evolved from tool based software in specific fields to full lifecycle software in the upstream and downstream of the tool chain and end-to-end, and further developed into a digital production and manufacturing platform.

Zhang Zhengang, a professor at South China University of Technology and director of Guangzhou Digital Innovation Research Center, conducted on-site research and published an article in Guangzhou Daily on June 14th. He stated that Saiyi Information has empowered enterprises in all aspects of digital transformation and upgrading through the establishment of industrial internet cloud platforms and other means, achieving outstanding results, and creating a fully connected enterprise management network with people, machines, materials, systems, and other aspects, Further promote the optimization of enterprise production resource allocations and the improvement of operational management efficiency.

Integrating digital technology into the blood of manufacturing industry
Domestic industrial management software welcomes opportunities for overtaking on curves

According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as of the second quarter of this year, China's' integration of industrialization and informatization 'index has significantly increased. The CNC rate of key processes and the popularization rate of digital research and development design tools in industrial enterprises nationwide have reached 55.7% and 75.1%, respectively, an increase of 31.1 and 26.3 percentage points compared to 2012. For a long time in the future, industrial management software will still be the main engine driving the high-quality development of industrial manufacturing.

China is not only a major manufacturing country, but also a major internet country. The integration of manufacturing and digital economy has broad space and huge potential for development. Deepening the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is conducive to leveraging the advantages of China's manufacturing and internet giants, and further promoting the transformation and upgrading from a "manufacturing powerhouse" to a "manufacturing powerhouse". Against the backdrop of China's industrial digitization wave and intelligent manufacturing upgrading, domestically produced independent industrial software has also ushered in new development opportunities.

As devices go to the cloud and data collection methods become more diverse, SIE Information seizes the opportunity to overtake on curves. In the field of intelligent manufacturing, it has launched the SMOM industrial management software product family and the industrial internet platform "Gushen Platform" based on independent technology research and development. The self-developed products involve intelligent manufacturing, industrial internet, intelligent marketing, intelligent procurement, supply chain, as well as finance, HR human resource management and other fields, Overall, it has achieved full coverage of the fields involved in intelligent manufacturing, gradually narrowing the gap with international software manufacturers.

Manufacturing a strong country, taking a decade to stride forward. Industrial management software has become self reliant and has taken off in the past decade. In a special report welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Southern Daily pointed out that "SIE Information has continued to tackle key technologies and created independent and secure industrial management software", and "over the past decade, SIE Information has participated in and witnessed the comprehensive improvement of the scale, quality, and efficiency of the industrial management software industry, driving the vigorous development of the digital economy".

Standing at the historical intersection of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and focusing on the comprehensive needs of the manufacturing industry, SIE Information will continue to provide high-quality digital service products that are "affordable, affordable, good, and cost-effective". Together with ecological partners, we will promote the comprehensive deepening of intelligent manufacturing for more enterprises, from building a "digital factory" to realizing an "intelligent factory", and help China's manufacturing industry move towards the intelligent era.



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