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Saiyi Information and Huawei Cloud Continuously Deepen Cooperation to Promote Industry Digital Transformation Together

  • Event coverage | 2023-06-10 17:08:42
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Recently, the Huawei China Ecological Tour 2020 Foshan Summit was successfully held in Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province. The summit invited the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Foshan Municipal People's Government as guiding units. Focusing on the theme of "Accelerating Industry Digital Transformation", business leaders, experts, scholars, ecological partners from all walks of life in Guangdong are discussing industry digital transformation and intelligent upgrading, helping enterprises release and share the practical "intelligent" innovation energy of digital acceleration for high-quality development. Saiyi Information was also invited to participate and share the practice of digitalization accelerating the high-quality development of enterprises.


Based on the accumulated experience in enterprise informatization and digital transformation over the past 15 years, Saiyi Information has rich experience in industry digital solutions. In addition, it has collaborated with Huawei Cloud and Xinghui Precision to launch an independently developed industrial internet platform and star product "Industrial Bracelet", accumulating a large number of practical cases and best practices for enterprises to use the cloud. In terms of industry applications, Saiyi Information has successfully helped customers from industries such as automobiless, manufacturing, healthcare, and high-tech accelerate the completion of enterprise digital transformation projects through Huawei Cloud, greatly reducing costs and improving management and operational efficiency.

Yingfeng Environment is a high-end equipment manufacturing and environmental comprehensive service provider led by sanitation robots. Since 2015, the company has undergone strategic transformation and upgrading, comprehensively laying out the field of sanitation equipment, and vigorously developing intelligent and unmanned sanitation services. In the process of rapid development, Yingfeng Environment has found the following major problems in business management: dispersed deployment of IT systems, high difficulty in management; The business system base is not unified, making it difficult to integrate and connect data; Fast business growth, high demand for various sub businesses across the country, fast online requirements, long data center construction cycle, high costs, and difficult operation and maintenance; The existing computer rooms cannot accommodate the high concurrency business of sanitation cloud and smart city.


In response to the current IT situation and future business development of Yingfeng Environment, Saiyi Information has utilized its rich industry experience and combined it with Huawei Cloud Services to assist Yingfeng Environment in formulating a cloud strategy promotion and implementation plan. The project is divided into three phases, with the first phase planning to migrate the SRM system, CRM system, PMS system, and accessory mall to the cloud. The second phase is the promotion phase, which will deploy SAP ERP, cost control system, smart sanitation cloud platform, and after-sales service on the cloud, quickly go online, and meet business growth with agility and flexibility. Finally, we will build an integrated hybrid cloud architecture with Huawei Cloud, Changsha, and Leliu computer rooms. Through project implementation, Yingfeng has achieved unified operation and maintenance management, reduced maintenance costs, achieved resource elasticity expansion, and supported business expansion. The centralized deployment of systems and data also lays the foundation for the subsequent digital transformation.

The business of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau consists of "four major entities", namely centralized procurement, trade business, mold production and operation management, and prefabricated component production and operation management. In the early stage of project communication, China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau proposed the requirement for digital transformation, with a strong demand for introducing new technologies. However, due to the single machine deployment of the business system, it is unable to cope with high concurrency scenario access, and the access experience of personnel from other projects is poor. Moreover, the physical environment of the local computer room is poor (air conditioning leaks, property power outages), with frequent failures. However, the IT operation and maintenance capabilities are insufficient, and the pressure on operation and maintenance is high, which has caused a certain degree of obstruction to digital transformation.

Saiyi Information has planned to achieve the overall goal of cloud deployment in three phases based on the current IT system and infrastructure status of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau. Using 2019 to 2020 as a pilot phase, migrate locally deployed supply chain and centralized procurement platforms to the cloud to experience the performance and characteristics of public clouds. We plan to achieve comprehensive cloudization in 2021: migrate business systems such as OA, HR, and forums to the cloud, and build a digital base based on the use of ROMA to integrate data and generate value. By the end of 2022, achieve group system and data connectivity, hybrid disaster recovery: create a hybrid disaster recovery architecture between cloud and local, and achieve remote disaster recovery of applications and data.


By leveraging Huawei's public cloud features, Saiyi Information has helped to cloud the business system of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau, greatly reducing IT procurement and operation costs, enhancing business stability and reliability, and laying a solid foundation for enterprise digital transformation.

As one of the first strategic partners of Huawei Cloud, Saiyi Information has participated in Huawei summits for many consecutive years. After 15 years of sedimentation and development, Saiyi Information has gradually developed into a leading enterprise digital solution service provider in China. Huawei and Saiyi Information have also witnessed the transformation and development of domestic economy and manufacturing industry informatization and digitization in the continuous deepening of cooperation. In the future, Saiyi Information will also work with Huawei to achieve value win-win in promoting the digital transformation of Chinese enterprises.



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