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Saiyi Information, as a core partner of Huawei MetaERP, attended the oath ceremony and was recognized

  • News and Information | 2023-06-10 15:22:38
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On April 20th, Huawei announced the success of its independently controllable MetaERP research and development. In recognition of the relevant teams and individuals who have made significant contributions to this project, Huawei held a "Hero Crossing the Dadu River" MetaERP commendation event at the Xiliu Beipo Village Park in Dongguan. Saiyi Information attended the oath ceremony as a core partner of Huawei MetaERP and was recognized.



Speech by Tao Jingwen, Director and President of Quality and Process IT Department of Huawei

Huawei Director and President of Quality and Process IT, Tao Jingwen, said, "In the face of supply and service outages in enterprise operations and management core systems, including ERP, we were not only able to create them, but also able to replace them and use them well. Now we can finally announce that we have broken the blockade and survived

Meng Wanzhou, the rotating chairman and CFO of Huawei, said, "Every leap in technology not only requires the accumulation of a spirit of craftsmanship, but also the promotion of cognitive leap with an open spirit. The construction of MetaERP requires the joint investment of partners. Only through openness can innovation be achieved, and only through cooperation can prosperity be achieved

As a service provider for Huawei, Saiyi Information has been serving Huawei for 18 years. Saiyi Information has always been customer-centric, actively participating in Huawei's management transformation and digital transformation, and continuously leading in delivery quality.

As Huawei's most steadfast partner, Saiyi Information began embracing Huawei Cloud in 2017, conducting comprehensive cooperation in core manufacturing applications such as cloud, industrial software, and digital supply chain, helping more than 100 manufacturing enterprises use the cloud. In 2021, Saiyi Information and Huawei Cloud signed a strategic cooperation agreement to become partners in the same boat.

As a core partner, Saiyi Information will closely follow Huawei's footsteps, deepen its MetaERP strategy, and work together to build a better future.

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